Saturday, August 3, 2019

Controlling Automobile Traffic Essay -- Exploratory Research Papers

Controlling Automobile Traffic A safe community is comprised of many things. The most important thing to have in a community is correct traffic flow. The flow of traffic can determine how congested the community can be, and even how safe it can be. Parents would not want their children playing near a busy road, nor would they want to live in a community where traffic is constantly a problem. The most effective way to control these problems is through a system of â€Å"Signal Control Timings.† The new AUSCI (Adaptive Urban Street Control and Integration) technology automatically adjusts traffic signal timing based on actual traffic flow conditions. The conditions are monitored by video sensor, Auto scope Solo cameras: located before the actual signalized intersections. â€Å"Because the traffic signal timing is constantly adjusted, based on existing conditions, the community will experience a smoother flow, through few reduced delays. This feature is particularly helpful during special events or when traffic is disrupted,† said Roger Plum, traffic signal engineer, city of Minne...

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